Get Your Hands on these Free Quilting Resources and Printable
As you find and download patterns in the Quilt Block Library, keep them organized in a view binder and use this printable as your notebook cover. The download also includes a design for the spine of your notebook. (I recommend that you print on cardstock.)
Free Download.

Keep Calm when the sewing gets tricky. Print out this stylish reminder, frame it, and hang. Or print copies and gift to your quilting buddies. Free Download

This is a download for a printable handout that walks you through how to decide if you should use straight-grain, cross-grain or bias grain binding strips on your quilt. You can read more about it in the blog post series on binding (Part 2). Free Download

This is a download for an 8-page printable PDF containing essential information about how to bind a quilt. To get more detailed information and tips and tricks, check out the posts located on the HOW TO BIND A QUILT SERIES page.
Free Download

This handy printable is the perfect way to help you remember the details about different batting/wadding you have used in your quilts. Simply print, then tape a swatch of the batting to the card and record any details you want to remember about that type of batting, (which quilt you used it in, price, where you purchased, how well it quilted, etc.) Free Download
The Easy Star Quilt Block is one of the many blocks you will find in the Quilt Block Library. The library page for this block contains several suggestions for how to use the block. Check it out and enjoy the free gift!
Free Download