Getting Ready for the Houston International Quilt Festival
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Hey everyone! I just wanted to post a quick update here…
I’ve spent the last few evenings prepping for classes and getting my project bags packed for my upcoming trip to the Houston International Quilt Festival. If you’re there, look for me, cause I’d love to meet you!
We leave Monday for a week filled with classes and all kinds of quilty goodness. This trip should be a slightly different experience from the last one. (I posted about it here.) This time around, we scheduled classes on the day that registration opened and we pretty much booked ourselves solid with classes Tuesday through Saturday. (I hope I don’t run out of steam before we get through them all!) This year, the show had a new online enrollment system. I will tell you more about it when I write up my review of the show when we return.
There are also several new events at Houston Quilt Festival this year, and I’m hoping I can squeeze them into my schedule. First, there is the Bluprint Lounge (hosted by Bluprint, formerly Craftsy) and the Bluprint Inspiration Station. They will be hosting several amazing quilt instructors and demonstrations. Angela Walters from the wildly popular Midnight Quilter show on YouTube, will be around during a portion of the show, so it would be a big plus to get to see her.
But one of the reasons this year’s show will be different and special to me is that I already know one of this show’s biggest stars, Teresa Marler. If you haven’t already heard of Teresa, I think you will soon. She is just an amazing quilter with incredible applique skills. This is her quilt:

If you’re thinking you may have seen that somewhere before, let me clue you in:

It’s also the basis for this year’s tote bag and quilt show enamel pin:

Teresa has been in the same stitch group as my friend Emma for something like 20 years, and Emma introduced me to her probably five or six years ago. I’ve been fortunate enough to get to go on a few retreats with their group, and Teresa once coached me through some circle applique woes!
I’m really looking forward to seeing Teresa’s quilt in person. And she tells me she’s looking forward to seeing it, too, since the festival has had her quilt since May of this year!
My Itinerary:
So, here is all the fun that I have scheduled:
Monday: leave at 7:00AM and drive to Waco, where we will take in the sights at Magnolia Market. Then we drive on into Houston and check into the hotel. Get a good night’s sleep, cause sleep is the most important part of the day!
Tuesday: I’m scheduled for two classes – Sunlit Sunflowers Fabric Collage and a sit-down HQ Sweet 16 quilting class. I’m super excited about both of them. It’s a good thing I don’t have room in my sewing studio for an HQ Sweet 16 because I’m pretty sure I’m going to come home wanting one.
Wednesday: Fire and Ice quilt class with Kimberly Einmo, then go to the Preview night to view the vendors.
Thursday: (Happy Halloween!) Innovative Applique class with Karen Stone plus a lunch-and-lecture with Kimberly Einmo. I have some family that lives in the Houston area, and I’m hoping to get to spend some time with them and their kids.
Friday: Tiny Homes applique with Laura Wasilowski. (I missed out when Laura came to Tulsa a few years back, and have been disappointed ever since, so I’m really looking forward to this one!) Friday evening, we take in the “Date Night Sampler” session. This is basically a big room with about 15 demonstrations set up all around, and you travel around to those that interest you. We did this last time and thought it was a great way to take in new tips and tricks and meet some talented teachers.
Saturday: Another class with Karen Stone on her Clamshell technique. Drive home.
So, I think I’m ready. All the prep work for my classes has been done and supplies are organized in zip lock baggies.

Now I just need to pack and get some meals made for the family I’m leaving behind. They will do fine without me— Except I’m a bit worried about being gone for Halloween. I’m leaving hubby with a boatload of Halloween candy. Let’s just hope it’s still here when the trick-or-treaters show up!
Pray we have safe travels, and check back in on me in a few weeks, as I hope to write an updated post reviewing our experience with this year’s Houston International Quilt Festival.
Have a wonderful time! Wish I were going but for sure next year!!!!
Thanks Vickie! I will. But it would be super fun to have you there, too!