Quilt Block Library update for February 2019 — New Blocks!
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Hey there! I just wanted to put up a quick post telling everyone about the new quilt blocks I have added to the Scissortail Quilting Quilt Block Library this month. Some of you may be aware that having my own quilt block reference was the inspiration for me starting this website in the first place. I’ve tried to add tutorials and other helpful information along the way, but quilt blocks are really my passion, so it’s been fun for me to stop and research more blocks and get them added to the library.
Some new features for the new blocks
In the process of adding these new blocks, I’m bringing a few new features to both the new and old pages.
- For starters, I’m trying to make sure each block has a skill level designation. This actually isn’t a new feature, but sometimes I’ve forgotten to include it, so I’m fixing that.
- Next, I’m trying to go back through and find out who is the original designer of each block so that credit goes where credit is due. And this is pretty time-consuming!
- Each block will have a “grouping” illustration to give you a rough idea of what the block might look like in a whole quilt design.
- Finally, coloring sheets for each new block are included as a free download, so you can print them and experiment with your own color combinations. The coloring sheets include a page with four individual outlined blocks to color, as well as a page with a “whole quilt design” of the block.
Cutting charts
Creating the cutting charts for each block turns out to be pretty time-consuming, too, and so I’ve been working out a slightly different strategy for creating these. It’s not feasible for me to create one for every quilt block I put in the library. Instead, I’ll be using the web analytics to determine which blocks are most popular and which coloring sheets get downloaded the most. Then I’ll figure out which cutting charts to create. Later this year, I plan to release a massive eBook containing cutting charts for these popular blocks in the library, so keep your eyes peeled for that! It will contain everything I’ve created in one affordable download!
Without any more introduction, here are the blocks I have added to the library. (The first two are what I consider “basic units” or building blocks for making other blocks, and the rest are full block designs, including a February surprise at the bottom!) Click on any of the images to be taken to that block’s page in the Quilt Block Library. Be sure to check them all out and grab your coloring sheets!

Basic Unit

As always, if you’re looking for a specific quilt block and can’t find it in the library, please contact me. I’d love to hunt it down for you! Until next time,