Alaska Territory Quilt Block

Skill level: Intermediate

The Alaska Territory Quilt Block is another block named after the United States territory of Alaska (now a state). For more examples, see

If you don’t look carefully, you might think that the Alaska Quilt Block is simply a recoloring of the Alaska Territory Quilt Block. But a more careful examination of the block’s construction will reveal that the Alaska Territory is on a 5×5 grid, while the Alaska Quilt block is designed around a 4×4 grid.

Grouping Example

Illustration of a grouping of Alaska Territory Quilt Blocks

A 3×3 grouping of Alaska Territory Quilt Blocks

Block Construction

Illustration of the Exploded version of the Alaska Territory Quilt Block

Exploded version of the Alaska Territory Quilt Block

Coloring Sheets

Click image to download coloring sheets for the Alaska Territory Quilt Block

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