Right and Left Quilt Block

The Right and Left Quilt Block is aptly named.  Each corner of the Right and Left Quilt Block has a lighter valued piece on the right and a darker valued piece on the left.

The visual effect when you group multiples of the Right and Left Quilt Block together is quite striking. Many pinwheels appear where the blocks connect.

Grouping Example

Illustration of Grouping of Right and Left Quilt Blocks

Grouping of Right and Left Quilt Blocks

Block Construction

The illustration below shows construction that follows the 2×2 grid. It is also possible to construct this block using just one square in the center, eliminating four seams.

Illustration of th Exploded version of the Right and Left Quilt Block

Exploded version of the Right and Left Quilt Block

Coloring Sheets

Click to download coloring sheets of the Right and Left Quilt Block

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