Job’s Troubles Quilt Block

The Job’s Trouble Quilt Block is a four-pointed star quilt block. An interesting part of this design is that the star points are not created with standard 90 degree or 45 degree triangles as is typical in most quilt blocks. Rather, it uses 22.5 degree angles which turn out best when the block is paper pieced. Below is the exploded block, showing that after the paper-pieced templates are sewn, the block is put together as a 4-patch.

You can download the free pattern and template below, and a tutorial for how to paper-piece a block is located on the website in this post.

Grouping Example

Illustration of a quilt made with job's troubles quilt blocks

Block Construction

Illustrated version of an Exploded version of the Job's Troubles Quilt Block

Exploded version of the Job’s Troubles Quilt Block

Coloring Sheets

Click to download coloring sheets.

Pattern | Cutting charts

Click to Download Free Pattern
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