Tea Leaf Quilt Block

According to the book “1000 Great Quilt Blocks” by Maggi McCormick Gordon, this design is called the Tea Leaf Quilt Block. Visually, it resembles some of the “flower” type blocks such as Lily and Bouquet due to it’s straight angled lines. A quick internet search for Tea Leaf Quilt designs will usually yield images of blocks with oval “leaves” rather than the straight lines found in this version of Tea Leaf Quilt Block. Most of those other designs are some variation of “orange peel.”

The Tea Leaf Quilt Block is a four-patch design, and while there are many ways to construct the block, the easiest method is to use squares and rectangles where possible, along with half-square triangles. (See the exploded version below.)

Grouping Example

Grouping of tea leaf quilt blocks in straight row layout

Block Construction

Illustration of the Exploded Version of the Tea Leaf Quilt Block

Coloring Sheets

Click to download coloring sheets of the tea leaf quilt block.

Pattern | Cutting charts

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